Know these common myths about SEO Services

 When it comes to seo services, there are a number of myths that follow and they seem to be very convincing. You will surely have a hard time believing that they are false but that is what we are here for.

If you are not aware of these myths then it gets very easy to con you but that is not a favorable situation to be in. Make sure that you go through these popular myths carefully so that you are able to distinguish salt from sugar without a problem.

 Myth 1- More keywords mean a better ranking 

If some seo services provider tells you that including more keywords in the content will fetch you a better ranking then run right away, they don’t know what they are saying. Excess of everything is bad, even of the keywords. Google doesn’t want you to flood the blog with keywords and make it look cluttered. Make it a point to use keywords at the right places and not like that they have been placed there abruptly. Don’t try to play it smart by using synonyms because let me tell you, Google understands all the tricks that you might try to use. It will just get you a penalty and you will end up with no ranking, forget a high one! If you use definite keywords to a level that’s uncommon for a topic or start obsessing about your mass of adverbs, Google identifies your site as a bad link and not a significant resource.


Myth 2- Links don’t matter 

Another common situation on our plate is that links don’t have value. Google mentions in their guidelines that links were are and will always be significant no matter what. It also happens to be a ranking factor. It doesn’t matter how many updates come up, the links are always going to stay up and it is indeed a fact.

People basically associate links as a signal of authority and trust in seo services.

Search engines study the links as endorsements from one website to another and use them as a signal of authority and significance.

Links are valuable not only for SEO but for relationship building, audience development and marketing too.


Myth 3- Content is all that matters 

It is correct to say that content matters a lot but it is not everything when it comes to SEO services. There are a number of other factors that are important as well like quality backlinking, keyword research, to name a few. People often upload great articles with the content on their websites and then wonder why it is not ranking. It is simply because other factors must be given importance as well.

It is vital to not have content, but appropriate content on the website. The users must find it useful if you want Google to give preference to it. We make sure that the content is relevant or informative and the user’s attention is wedged. Content tells Google which page to rank and links tell how high to keep them therefore the process must go hand in hand to have the best results.

If you just pay attention to backlinking then you are overlooking user experience which should be your priority. Always keep in mind that Google doesn’t want you to think about Googlebot, it wants you to think about the users.


Myth 4- Page loading speed can be overlooked 

You must have understood this by now about SEO Services that the search engines care a lot about their users. Page loading speed does hold a great deal of importance to the users and so does the search engine. If your page takes ages to load and open then it will have a negative impact on your ranking. Search engine will not prefer to show your site if it bothers their users in any way. Therefore, when you roll out a website make it a point to test the loading speed on different devices if you don’t want any negativity.


We hope that we were able to help you with the myths about seo services. Make it a point to not fall for them even if someone swears their life on it and beg you to believe that they are true. If there is anything else that you would like to know then do connect with us and we will help you out in the best way possible.


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